A downloadable game for Windows, Linux, and Android
Menchastic is an online multiplayer board game collection developed using GRPC, Unity Engine, and Golang.
Note that this project requires the user to set up both the server and the client.
Key Features:
- Play Ludo and Reversi
- Play against other players and bots
- Setup your server using the server app
- Customize your name and avatar
How to setup the server:
- Run the server app without any commands to listen to
- Run the server with --listen LISTEN_IP_ADDRESS:LISTEN_PORT arg to add your desired IP and Port
- Example: ./server_linux --listen
- Add the server as a firewall exception
How to setup the client:
- Enter the server IP and Port to start the game on that server
- If the server is on the same machine as the client, use localhost as IP
Developed By:
- Reza Liaghat
- Mehran Ghajari
- Arash Saatchi